Sunday, 13 September 2009
Thai Fish Fighting

Everyone is very excited, two small fish of the middle finger of his fins and minus signs bristles regarded as courageous fighters against each other. They are among the fierce and warlike kind of fish in the world: the fight against fish in Thailand.
As the fighting cocks, a fighting sport fish from Thailand. Currently, there are still fishing are fighting on the ground and in the suburbs of Bangkok, as there is no fighting allowed to fish within the city.
When the fight was agreed, the fish will be chosen on their bottles and are stored carefully in a large bottle of considerable size. Face to face opponents are transformed into magnificent creatures, the color deepening and widening shook their gills, fins and tail lies and adopting a warm light. Each body part is alive. They lose no time to time, biting hard and cruel. Meeting with the mouth closed for a few minutes, sometimes hours, and water in bottles for offices. Parts of the gills, fins, control tailsmortal, supporters are betting that their culculations the number and severity of injuries received by both parties.
Thai fish fighting attractive colors. They also have some characteristics of them and the knowledge of farmers keep only those who developed urgently, these good points. They are well maintained. The fights are few fish raised in their natural habitat, but is now for sale. The lukmoh is a tough guy who does not know the meaning of defeat. PAH abundant fish fighting everywhere, even in the channel has a longer body and has no resistance to a prolonged battle. In general, Thai fighting fish is not more than 5 cm long and one centimeter wide. If they are caught, they should go into a bottle of water from the pond. Only fighting men. The woman is distinguished by its lighter color, the much larger tail and fins. Curiously, the female after laying eggs, they try to eat, and is prevented only by the male to do so. The female should be isolated, therefore, while the males care for the left to the next generation. Small fish feed on plankton and small later, the red mosquito larvae. They are ready to fight after six or seven months.
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